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Sunday, 22 September 2013


Body odour is a natural and healthy process but it makes one embarrass in a group. The main reason behind this is bacteria. The cause of sweating is your sweat glands. Sweating helps maintain your body temperature, hydrates your skin and balances your body fluids and electrolytes, chemicals in your body such as sodium and calcium. Apocrine glands, secrete a fatty sweat directly into the tubule of the gland. When you're under emotional stress, the wall of the tubule contracts and the sweat is pushed to the surface of your skin where bacteria begin breaking it down. Most often, it's the bacterial breakdown of apocrine sweat that causes an odour.

  • Excessive consumption of spicy foods like curry, garlic etc.
  • Stress
  • Not cleaning yourself properly
  • Due to some drugs
  •  Skin diseases
  • During periods
  • Wearing same clothes everyday
  • Not towel your body after bath
  • Smoking 


1) Take a pinch of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in a bowl and mix a little water to make a fine paste of it. After shower apply it on your both armpits. It will protect you from body odour.

2) Apply tea tree oil under your arms after shower. It makes you smell good throughout the day.

3) Take 1tbsp of honey and add it to tepid water. Use it for final rinse after bath. It will protect your body odour.

4) Take 2 tbsp. vinegar or apple cider vinegar and add it in 1 mug of water and after bath use it to rinse your armpits. It will help to reduce your body odour.

5) Take a juice of 6-7 medium sized tomatoes and add it in your bathing water. It prevents body odour.

6) Take 500mg wheat grass and add it in a glass of water. Mix it well and drink it empty stomach in the morning. It prevents body odour.

7) Add 5-6 drops of rose water in your bathing water. It makes you smell good like roses all day.

8) Take ½ sp baking soda in a bowl and add ½ lemon juice in it. Mix well to make a paste of it. Now apply it under arms and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Then shower.

9) Take 1sp of gram flour (besan) in a bowl and mix it with ½ sp curd. Mix it well to make a paste of it. Apply it under your arms and then shower. It helps in removing body odour.

10) Add 2-3 drops of mint extract in your bathing water. It reduces body odour.

                  USEFUL TIPS

  • Shave your under arms regularly.
  • Avoid spicy food and smoking.
  • Drink lots of water. At least 8-10 glasses.
  • Shower regularly.
  • Use good deodorants or body spray after shower regularly.
  • Change your clothes everyday.


It is very easy to do manicure and pedicure at home by following the steps that are given below:-

1) Remove nail paint from your nails by using good quality nail remover.

2) Trim your nails.

3) File your nails with nail filer in a shape.

 4) Take a tub and fill it with warm water.

5) Now add liquid soap and 1sp of hydrogen peroxide in it. Mix it with hands in water till it foams. 

6) Use hand and foot scrubber and scrub it for 1-2 minutes.

 7) Now soak your hand and feet in a tub for few minutes.

8) File the heels with pumice stone.

9) Leave your hands and feet in tub for 15-20 minutes.

10) Take out your hand and feet from tub.

11Now remove dirt under your nails.

12) Again take a tub of warm water and squeeze 1 lemon juice in it. 

13) Soak your feet and hands in it for 10 minutes.

14) Take out your hand and feet and, now massage your hands and feet with vitamin E oil or good quality lotion for 15 minutes.

 15) Wipe your hands and feet with soft towel and let it dry.

16) Now apply base coat on your nails.

17) Then apply two coats of nail colour.

18) Allow your nails to dry for some time.

Saturday, 21 September 2013


Cold and cough are very common among people and it irritates everyone. The main reasons for this are changing weather and dirt particles in air. Top 10 home remedies to cope up with all this are:-

1) Take a ginger, clove and salt and grind it together to make a thick paste of it. Now mix it with a sp of honey and consume it two times a day.
2) Take a glass of warm water and add a half spoon of salt in it. Now mix it well and gargle with it 4-5 times a day.
3) Take 2sp of lemon juice in a bowl and add 1sp of honey in it. Now heat this mixture and consume it 5-6 times a day.
4) Take a few twigs of lemon grass and boil it with milk. Now add sugar according to your taste and consume it.
5) Take a pinch of black pepper in a bowl and add a pinch of salt in it. Now mix it with hot water and drink it. Consume it two times a day at morning and night.
6) Take a glass of water and put tulsi, cardmom, saffron, saunf, cinnamon, ginger and sugar candy in it. Now boil it and when it reduces to 1/4th cool it and drink it.
7) Take 5-6 pcs of roasted chanas (chickpeas) and 2 pcs of kali mirch (black pepper) and eat it together 2 times a day.
8) Take two cups of water in a bowl and add half sp of ajwain (carom seeds) in it. Now boil it and when it reduces to half, cool it and drink it.
9) Take 2sp of turmeric in a bowl and mix 1sp of honey in it. Now add …..2-3 sp of lemon juice in it. Mix all together in warm water and drink …..it. Consume it two times a day.

10) Grind a piece of ginger and bring its juice in a separate bowl. Now …...mix 1-2 sp of honey in it and consume it 4-5 times a day.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Headache is not a very serious problem. It is temporary and it is anywhere in the head or neck.  There are many temporary reasons for such a pain but if is not under control then  it is good to consult a doctor.

  • Allergy
  • Migrain
  • Fever
  • Smoking 
  • Drinking
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Eye problem
  • Depression
  • Some kind of nutrition deficiency
  • Dehydration
  •  Cold
  • Infection


  • Take 1sp of ginger powder in a bowl and add little water to it. Now heat this mixture in a pan and apply it warm on forehead. Leave it for 15-20 minutes.

  • Take 7-8 almond and soak it in a bowl of water overnight. Next day peel their skin and grind them to make a thick paste of it. Now roast this mixture in 1sp of ghee till it becomes golden brown. Eat this roasted mixture with a glass of warm water. 

  • Take some betel leaves (paan) and make a paste of it by adding little water. Now apply it on forehead for few minutes.

  • Take 5-6 cloves(loung) and ground them to make a paste of it. Apply this paste on your forehead.

  • Take 10-15 holy basil leaves(tulsi), 5-6 peppercorns and 1/2” ginger piece and make a powder of it. Now keep this powder in an air tight container and whenever headache starts take 2 pinches of this powder with warm water.

  • Take some cinnamon(dalchini) and make a paste of it by mixing little water. Now apply it on your forehead.

  • Massage your forehead with sesame oil just before shower for 2 minutes daily to cure headache.

  • Eat an apple with a little salt on an empty stomach everyday

Monday, 16 September 2013


Acidity is a very common problem among people. It may be due to wrong eating habits, hectic lifestyle etc. It normally causes due to overheat in a body. If we ignore this problem then it may result in some serious problems like stomach ulcers. The too much secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causes acidity.

1) Burning sensation in stomach

2) Unbearable pain in abdomen

3) Feeling sick and irritating

4) Vomiting

5) Chest pain during and after eating

6) Coughing

7) Constipation

8) Constantly burping 

9) Feeling heaviness

10) Feeling tasteless or bitter 

  • Stress
  • Excessive intake of spicy, fried or junk food
  • Excessive intake of tea or coffee
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Obesity
  • Lack of exercise
  • Eating after long gaps
  • Excessive drinking of water with meals
  • Due to some medicines

  • Take a spoon of cumin seeds and swallow it with a glass of water after meals. It helps in curing acidity.

  • Grate a cabbage in a bowl and take out its juice in a glass and drink it regularly. It helps to reduce the problem of acidity.

  • Drink 2-3 glass of lukewarm water empty stomach regularly. It is one of the best home remedies to reduce the acidity.

  • Eat a piece of jaggery (gur) after lunch and dinner everyday. It reduces the problem of acidity.

  • Take a glass of water and put few drops of mint extract (pudina ras) and mix it well. Drink it to avoid acidity.

  • Take a glass of water and mix a spoon of soda in it. Mix well and drink it after a gap of two hours after meals.

  • Take a glass of warm water and mix a juice of one lemon and ½ sp sugar in it. Mix well and drink it before meals. It also prevents acidity.

  • Drink coconut water empty stomach.

  • Chew some holy basil leaves (tulsi) daily in the morning. 

  • Take a glass of butter milk. Mix a pinch of black pepper in it and drink it.

  • Avoid fried food, spicy food and garlic.
  • Drink 6-8 glass of water everyday.
  • Avoid fatty foods. 
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Exercise daily for half an hour.
  • Eat timely and drink 2 glasses of lukewarm water empty stomach daily.

Thursday, 12 September 2013


1) Flax Seeds - Flax seeds in an important food for women of any age group . Some call it one of the most powerful plant on the planet .  Flax seeds are rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids and help in reducing the risk of Breast Cancer. Each tblsp  of ground Flax seed contains about 1.8 grams of plant Omega- 3s Flax seeds are also good for preventing Arthritis because of their  Anti - Inflammatory properties. Flax seed also help in reducing the risk of Stroke and Diabetes . Flax seeds are also high in fiber content and it can help in reducing the irritable Bowel syndrome.

2) Iron rich Foods - Iron is one of the most essential nutrient for women . Iron helps in Hemoglobin formation , proper brain function , boost energy levels and prevents anemia . Every women must add Iron rich foods in her diet in order to enjoy good health . Some Iron rich foods are Spinach , Soyabean , Olive , lentils , Tofu , Kidney Beans , Black Pepper , Swiss chard and Turmeric.

3) Oat Meal -  Oat meal is a perfect food for every women of every age. Oat meal is rich in fiber and helps in improving your digestive system . Oat meal is also packed with many health boosting nutrients . Oats are also good for hear health . Oats are also rich in Vitamin B6 which is very essential nutrient for women as it regulates Mood , apetite and sleep . Oat meal is a very important food for women over 50 as it helps in maintaining blood pressure level , reduce hypertension and also help in controlling Bad Cholesterol . Oat Meal is also very helpful for pregnant women and it helps in preventing the Birth defects in babies and also provide then energy.

4) Calcium rich Foods - Calcium is an essential element of the body, and is crucial for strong bones and teeth apart from other health benefits. Adequate intake of calcium helps stave off osteoporosis, reduce obesity and prevent colon cancer. Calcium is very important for older women as it helps in improving their Bone density . Some Calcium rich foods are Milk , Yogurt , Cheese , Eggs , Spinach  and Broccoli.

5) Folate or Folic Acid rich Foods - Folate is very important for pregnant women , as it can prevent major birth defects . Foods rich in folic acid are also good for Heart health . Some foods rich in Folic acid are Orange , Spinach , Kale and fortified cereals .

6) Milk - Milk is one of the most essential food for women health . Milk is a great source of Calcium which is very important for women health . Milk is not only rich in calcium but also a great source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Potassium . Milk can also reduce the risk of Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer . Milk has multiple benefits for females like it can help in getting glowing skin tone and also good for bones and Teeth. Every Women should drink at least 1 glass of Milk everyday.

7) Walnuts - Walnut is another highly beneficial food for women health . Walnuts are rich in fiber and known to lower cholesterol level . Walnuts are also packed with Omega 3 fatty acids , Anti- oxidants and Phytosterols . Walnut also contains many essential nutrients for women health like Calcium , Magnesium , Folic acid . 

8) Vitamin C rich Foods - Vitamin C which is a powerful Antioxidant is know to cut down the risk of Coronary Heart disease . Vitamin C rich foods also help in reducing body weight . Nutrition specialist suggest that every women should take at least 75 mg of Vitamin C everyday . Some foods rich in Vitamin C are Indian Gooseberry (AMLA) , Orange , kiwi , Lemon and Grape fruit .

9) Cranberries - Cranberries is very important food for female . Cranberries are rich in Proanthocyanidins which prevent Bacteria from sticking to the wall of bladder , thus prevent us from Urinary Tract infections such as Cystitis , which is 8 times more likely to occur in Women than Men . Cranberries also reduce the risk of Breast Cancer and Heart Disease . 

10) Whole Grains -  Whole grains are rich in fiber content , which helps in improving Digestion and help in curing many digestive problems that are so common in women. Some whole grain foods are Oats , Barley , Brown rice and Whole Wheat Bread .

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


1) Spinach - Spinach is one the well know source of Iron . 1 cup of cooked Spinach contains 6.43 mg of Iron which gives you 35.7% of your daily need . Spinach also contains many other essential nutrients and it is one of the most healthiest food for human beings.

2) Soybeans - The soybean or soya bean is a very helpful food as it has numerous uses . Soybeans is commonly know as a rich source of Protein but it is also a very good source of Iron. One cup of cooked soybean contains 8.84 mg of Iron which is 49.11% of your daily Iron need. Soybean is very cheap in cost and easily available.

3) Lentils - Lentil is a kind of pulse . It is very rich in iron . One Cup of cooked lentils contain 6.59 mg of  iron which is 36.61% of your daily iron need . Lentil is also very high in Protein . It is an excellent food for growing kids.

4) Olives - Olive is mostly know for its high content in vitamin E but it is also a food source of iron . One cup of olives contain 4.44 mg of iron and it is 24.67% of your daily Iron need.

5) Swiss Chard - Swiss Chard, is a leafy green vegetable often used in Mediterranean cooking. Swiss chard is and excellent food as it is hing in iron content . One cup of cooked  Swiss Chard contains 3.96 mg of iron which 22% of your daily iron need. Swiss chard is also rich in other essential minerals .

6) Black pepper - Black Pepper is also rich in Iron . 2 tbsp of Black Pepper contains 1.21 mg of iron which is 11.3% of your daily iron need .

7) Tofu - Tofu, also called bean curd, is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. Tofu is also another food rich in Iron . 4 Oz of Tofu contains 6.08mg of iron which is 33.78% of your daily iron need.

8) Lima Beans -  Lima beans sometimes called Butter beans is also another rich source of iron . One cup of cooked Lima beans contains  4.49 mg of iron which is 29.94% of your daily iron need. Lima beans are also a good source of sodium.

9) Turmeric - Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family . 2 tbsp of Turmeric contains 1.82 mg of Iron which is 10.11 % of your daily Iron need .

10) Kidney Beans - Kidney Beans is another food know for its high iron content . One cup of cooked kidney beans contain 3.93mg of Iron which is 21.83% of your daily iron need .