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Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Bad breath is an unpleasant odour of mouth. It is very embarrassing. It may be due to poor dental hygiene, foods etc. The common causes for the bad breath are given below.


  1. Consumption of food like garlic, onions, and spicy foods, curries, cheese, fish.
  2. Excessive consumption of coffee.
  3. Consumption of tobacco products.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Poor dental hygiene.
  6. Dry mouth.
  7. Mouth infection.
  8. Alcohol.
  9. Sinus infection.
  10. Medication.

                     HOME REMEDIES 

  • Take a glass of water and add 1sp of apple cider vinegar in it. Mix it well and gargle with this mixture.

  • Chew parsley after eating food.

  • Chew fenugreek seeds.

  • Chew Cardamom seeds.

  • Take a glass of water and add 2-3 drops of cumin oil in it. Mix well and use it for gargle.

  • Chew fennel seeds after meals.

  • Chew unripe guava or guava leaves.

  • Take 2 cup of water in a pan and add powder of clove in it. Boil it until it remains half. Cool it and gargle with it 4-5 times a day.

  • Chew mint gums.

  • Take some baking soda and add little water in it. Now brush your teeth with it.

- Avoid smoking.

- Brush your teeth twice a day.

- Wash your mouth after meals.

- Change your brush after 3-4 months.

- Avoid alcohol.

- Gargle with minty mouthwash everyday and avoid alcohol based mouthwashes.

- Drink plenty of water.

- Avoid onion, coffee, garlic etc.

Monday, 3 March 2014


Cracked lips are the sign of dryness. It mainly caused in winters. Lips have thin skin and during winters it becomes dry. Due to dryness the skin of lips may also peel off and it starts bleeding, it is very painful. Our lips usually become dry because they don’t have any oil glands present. Dryness may also cause due to exposure of winds, smoking, dehydration etc. It is very necessary to take care of lips and there are several easy ways to get rid of dry, cracked and painful lips without using any expensive products.

  • Dryness
  • Redness
  • Cracking
  • Peeling
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Pain

  1. Exposure to cold or dry weather
  2. Dehydration 
  3. Smoking
  4. Exposure to sun
  5. Peeling  of skin
  6. Licking of lips
  7. Breathing through mouth
  8. Toothpaste containing sodium laurel sulphate
  9. Due to consumption of too many supplements
  10. Due to certain medications

                                  HOME REMEDIES

  •  Use coconut oil 4-5 times a day. It helps in maintaining the moisture of the skin and is best for the dry lips.

  • Take warm water in a bowl and dip a cotton ball in it. Now squeeze it and gently put it on your lips. Repeat it 4-5 times and then apply milk cream on your lips.

  • Take an inch of aloe Vera and cut its surface with a knife. Now put its gel in a bowl and apply it on your lips until it dries. Then wash your lips with Luke warm water and apply milk cream on it.

  • Take 4-5 sp of olive oil in a bowl and add ½ sp of honey in it. Mix well and apply it on your lips several times a day.

  • Apply glycerine before going to bed. It helps in making your lips smooth and soft.

  • Take few petals of rose and soak it in milk for few hours. Now grind it into a paste and apply this paste 4-3 times a day.

  • Apply clarified butter 2-3 times a day.

  • Apply castor oil or almond oil on your lips 4-3 times a day.

1- Drink plenty of water a day.

2- Apply a thick layer of good petroleum jelly or lip balm regularly.

3- Take a healthy diet.

4- Avoid licking your lips.

5- Avoid smoking.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


Dark knees and elbows are very embarrassing. Dirt and absence of oil glands on that area makes it dark brown and dirty.

1) Take a lemon and cut it into two halves. Now rub one piece of lemon on your elbows and knees for 20-25 minutes. It helps in lightning the colour of your knees and elbows.

2) Take 2sp of honey in a bowl and add ½ sp lemon juice in it. Mix well and massage it on your knees and elbows for 15 minutes. After that rinse with water.

3) Take 2sp of lemon juice in a bowl and add 1sp of salt in it. Now rub this mixture on your knees and elbows for 15minutes. Then wash with water.

4) Take 1sp of milk cream in a bowl. Now add a pinch of turmeric powder and 3-4 drops of basil leaves extract. Mix it well to make a paste of it and apply it on your knees and elbows. Leave it overnight and wash it next morning. 

5) Take a potato and grate it in a bowl. Now take out its juice in another bowl, dip a cotton ball in it and apply it on knees and elbows.

6) Take 2-3sp of olive oil in a bowl and add brown sugar in it. Now scrub your knees and elbows with this mixture.

7) Take 1sp of coconut oil in a bowl. Now add ½ sp lemon juice in it. Apply this mixture on knees and elbows, and rub it with cotton. Then wash it off. 

8) Take 2sp of almond powder in a bowl and add 2sp of yogurt in it. Mix well and rub this mixture on your knees and elbows and leave it for few minutes. After that rinse with water.

9) Take 2sp of gram flour in a bowl and add 1sp of curd in it. Mix it well and apply it on knees and elbows. Rub it for a minute and leave it until it dries. Then rinse with water.

10) Take 2sp of walnut powder and add 1sp of honey in it. Mix well and apply it on your knees and elbows.  Leave it for 10-15 minutes and massage it in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes. Then rinse with water.


  • Scrub your knees and elbows daily with a good scrubber while shower.
  • Massage knees and elbows regularly with milk cream or olive oil at night.