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Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Vitamin C is also known as ASCORBIC ACIDS . It is an essential nutrient for humans . It is water soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development . Vitamin c is helpful in the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. Vitamin C is also helpful in Healing wounds.

   Diseases caused due to deficiency of vitamin c
  • Scurvy
  • Anemia
  • Bruise
  • Wound
            Top 10 Vitamin C rich foods

1)-  Kiwifruit- Kiwifruit is one of the richest source of Vitamin C .  One kiwifruit has about 75 mg of vitamin C. It  has considerable antioxidant power, and may help strengthen your immune system, support connective tissues and prevent nasal congestion.

2)- Amla (Indian Gooseberry)-  Amla is the richest source of Vitamin C which is responsible to increase immunity. It is said that 1 Amla contains an amount of Vitamin C equal to 6 oranges. It contains 445 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.

3)- Pineapple- Fresh pineapple is a good source (24 mg per cup) of vitamin C, which may enhance immunity and wound healing, while also preventing heart disease and serious eye disorders.

4)- Papaya- One medium papaya contains a whopping 182 mg of Vitamin C, which equals to three times more than what an average person needs. You can make a smoothie or just eat it raw for your daily dose of vitamin C. As it is rich in vitamin c it is very good for skin and hairs.

5)- Orange- Oranges are one of the most recognized citrus fruits having a health doze of vitamin C . One medium sized orange contains 70mg of Vitamin C . Apart from Vitamin C oranges are also rich in fiber content which helps in digestion.

6)- Strawberry- Strawberries are also another rich source of Vitamin C . 100 grams of strawberries contains 80mg of Vitamin c. Strawberries are also rich in antioxidant which are very essential for good health . 

7)- Broccoli- Broccoli is also another well known source of vitamin C . 100 grams of Broccoli contains 89 mg of Vitamin C . It also boost the immune system and helps to fight the Caner . Broccoli should only be boiled or steamed , otherwise it can loose a major portion of its beneficial components. `

8)- Guava- Guava contains 228 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams serving. It is also rich in other essential nutrients like Potassium , Manganese and fiber.

9)- Red Bell Pepper- Red bell pepper is one of the top source of vitamin C . Red bell  pepper contains an amount of 142 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. It contains double amount of vitamin C as compare to green bell pepper. 

10)- Grapefruit juice- Another rich source of Vitamin C is grape fruit . 3/4 cup of grapefruit juice has 50-70 mg vitamin C and 71-86 calories. It helps in boosting your immune system.


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