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Saturday, 29 June 2013


Eyes are one of the important parts of our body. Eyes are very delicate and sensitive. With the help of eyes we are able to see a beautiful world so it is very important to take care of eyes. Poor eyesight is a very common problem. It not affects the older ones but it is also very common in adults and children.

 Signs and symptoms of poor eye sight 
1) Itching of eyes.
2) Watering of eyes.
3) Headache.
4) Blurred vision.
5) Fatigue.
6) Feeling tired and stressful.

               CAUSES for poor eye sight 
  • Poor diet.
  •         Watching T.V or playing video games or working on computers for long hours.
  • Working or studying in a poor sight.
  • Direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Aging.
  • Sitting closer to the T.V and watching it.
  • Some kind of surgery.
  • Some kind of eye disease.

It contains carotene which is an antioxidant that helps in minimizing the risk of cataracts.

2) GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLESIt includes spinach, kale, lettuce etc. It helps in improving the eyesight. It contains two important things called lutein and zeaxanthin that are important for eyes.

3) BROCCOLIIt is a good source of vitamin C which helps in improving the vision.

4) VITAMIN E RICH FOOD-Almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts etc. are good sources of vitamin E. it helps in protecting the eyes from free radical damage.

5) ZINC RICH FOODIt includes oysters, lamb, beef, pumpkin seeds, beans, lentils. It helps in preventing and treating muscular degeneration.

1. Take 2sp amla powder with a lukewarm water empty stomach everyday as it contains vitamin C that helps in improving the eye sight.

2. Rotate your eyes up down and in opposite direction for 1-2 minutes twice a day. It helps in improving the vision.

3. Put 2-3 drops of rose water (gulab jal) in your eyes 2-3 times a day.

4. Grind few almonds, walnuts and fennel and make a powder of it. Now take 1sp of this mixture with a glass of milk every night before going to bed. Take it 2-3 times a week.

5. Take 2 carrots and 1 tomato and put it in a juicer to make a juice of it. Drink it every day. It helps in regaining your eye sight.

6. Put slices of cucumber over your eyes for 15-20 minutes. It helps in relieving your eyes from pain.

7. Take 2sp ghee, ½ sp licorice root powder and 1sp honey. Mix it in a lukewarm water and drink it.

8. Do asans(YOGA POSITIONS)  for improving your eyesight like rubbing your palms and cover your eyes with hands.

9. Take 1sp of trifala powder with a glass of milk. You can also add 1p honey to milk.

10. Take almonds, saunf and kaju mishri 150 gm each and ground it to make a powder of it. Take 1sp of this mixture with a glass of milk every night.

  • Avoid smoking.
  • Take a balanced diet.
  • Walk barefoot on a grass for 15 minutes every morning.
  • Do some asans or meditation regularly.
  • Wash your eyes with cold water 3-4 times a day.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes continuously as it may cause irritation.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


No doubt smile makes us more attractive but it is also true that smile looks more beautiful when we laugh without any hesitation. The white pearly teeth make us laugh freely and on the other side yellowish teeth make us embarrass. The people with white teeth can laugh freely and the people with yellowish teeth may experience hesitation and embarrassment on laughing.
The yellowish teeth doesn’t only mean that the person doesn’t brush regularly. There are many things that makes our teeth yellow and some of them are given below.

  • Due to excess intake of tea and coffee.
  • Due to excessive smoking.
  • Due to consumption of paans and suparis.
  • Eating of sugary foods, toffees and chocolates can also be one of the reasons for discoloration of teeth.
  • Not brushing and flossing regularly is also one of the reasons for yellowish teeth.
  • Drinking more sodas, syrups can also make stains on the teeth.
  • It may be due to aging. As we grow older whatever we eat and drink ,it effects our teeth and make it more yellowish. 

                HOME REMEDIES
1)- Mix hydrogen peroxide in water and gargle with it in a mouth for 1 minute and spit it out. After 2-3 minutes gargle with water.

2)- Take a pinch of baking soda and put it on the top of your paste. Brush your teeth with it regularly as it helps in removing the stains from the teeth.

3)- Mix 1 lemon in a glass of water and gargle with it. Do it 2-3 times a week. It helps in whitening your teeth.

4)- Sprinkle a pinch of salt on your paste and brush with it regularly. It helps in whitening the teeth.

5)- Rub an orange peel on your teeth for 2-3 minutes. After that rinse with water. It helps in bleaching your teeth.

6)- A pinch of turmeric powder and salt. Mix it well and rub it on your teeth for few minutes. Then rinse with water.

7)- Mash some strawberries and rub it on your teeth for few minutes. Then rinse with water.

8)- Take a twig of babul and chew it. Leave its juice in your mouth for few minutes and then spit it out. After that rinse with water. It helps in whitening your teeth.

9)- Eat apples and carrots as it helps in removing stains from your teeth.

10)- Dip a cotton ball in a clove oil and rub it on your teeth.

                          Helpful Tips 

- Brush your teeth twice a day.

Avoid smoking.

- Avoid  consumption of excessive sugary thing, sodas and tobacco.

- Gargle with water after eating anything.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Increase Your Height Naturally

                                   BEST FOODS FOR HEIGHT GAIN

 Egg White
Eggs are rich in protein, and protein is essential for the proper growth of body. To increase  your height take 3-6 eggs white everyday.

Milk is universal food for building body . It is rich in protein , which are the building blocks of our body cells. Take 2 glass of milk each day to get a good height.

Soyabean is one of the richest source of protein . It contains pure protein which improves bone and tissue mass. Make sure that you take 50gm of soyabean each day.

 Oat meal
Like soya beans, oatmeal is another wonderful source of plant protein. You can take oat meal as your breakfast everyday.

 Dry fruits
Dry fruits like almonds, cashew nut, walnut etc are rich in protein and helps in gaining height.

Fruits like banana, prunes, grapes and peach are rich in mineral and helps in growing height naturally.

Calcium rich food improves the bone growth and development. Products like milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs helps in increasing height.

         Helpful Tips For Height growth
1) Have a lot of water and dairy products.

2) Sleep at least for 6-8 hours in the night.

3) Have a balanced diet.

4) Maintain your weight. It might become a hindrance in your growth.

5) Have foods that are rich in zinc, manganese and phosphorus.

6) Massage specific point of your body in order to stimulate your growth 

7) Yoga is also helpful in increasing height.

8) Stretching and exercising also help in gaining height.

9) Try to sit up straight while working.

10) Avoid walking on your toes. Instead place your entire foot on the ground while walking.

Saturday, 22 June 2013


Thyroid disease is a very common problem among the people. It affects almost 70-80% of population. Thyroid is basically a butterfly shaped gland located in front of the neck. This gland uses iodine from the food that we eat, to produce  thyroid hormones. This hormone helps in regulating the metabolism of the body. It delivers energy to the cells of the body. The important hormones released by thyroid glands are thyroxine (T4) and triodothyronine (T3).

The types of thyroid common in most of the people are :-
1- Hypothyroidism 
2- Hyperthyroidism

It happens when thyroid gland is under active. When thyroid gland produces little amount of hormones then it leads to hypothyroidism.

  • Feeling tired
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Dry hair
  • Dry skin
  • Constipation
  • Slow metabolism
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling cold
  • Excessive menstrual bleeding

It happens when thyroid gland is over active. When thyroid gland produces large amount of hormones then it leads to hypothyroidism.

  • Weight loss
  • Excessive sweating
  • Muscle weakness
  • Diarrhea
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Shortness of breath
  • High blood pressure
  • Nervousness
  • Feeling more heat
  • Irregular menstrual period
1- Take iodine rich food as it balances the thyroid hormones. It includes cow’s milk, eggs, salmon, tuna, yogurt etc.

2- Avoid soya products like tofu, miso etc.

3- Take vitamin rich food as it helps in producing thyroid hormones. It includes almonds, peanuts, mangoes, potatoes, brown rice, pineapple, sunflower seeds etc.

4- Take zinc rich food like beef, oysters, chicken, crab etc.

5- Avoid gluten grains and sugars.

6- Avoid dietary supplements like iodine supplements.

1- Take lithium rich food like onions, asparagus, melons, parsley, potatoes, grapes etc.

2- Avoid food rich in iodine such as garlic, oats, coconut, strawberries, maize, tomatoes, apple, mangoes etc.

3- Avoid cinnamon, fennel, ground ivy, seaweeds.

4- Avoid seafood.

5- Add pomegranate or grapes, chestnuts or nuts in your diet as it helps in decreasing the production of thyroid hormones.

6- Add food rich in caffeic and chlorogenic acid in your diet. It includes celery, lemons, pumpkins, peppers, cucumber, carrots, plums, eggplants, wheat etc.

                  USEFUL TISP
  • Don’t skip your medicine. Make a habit of taking it as a part of your daily routine.

  • Take a proper diet and avoid food that may harm you.

Friday, 21 June 2013


Dry skin is very rough and it lacks moisture. The wrinkles and fine lines are very visible in dry skin. This type of skin looks very dull .

                       MAKE UP TIPS FOR DRY SKIN

  • Before start make up rub an ice cube on your face for few minutes and let it to dry.

  • Then apply moisturizer on your face and massage for few minutes. It will help your skin to look shiny, shiny and help in hiding the dry patches.

  • Avoid alcohol-based products and choose products which contain vitamin E, oil and aloe vera.

  • Do not wear powder as it makes your face look more rough and dry.

  • Use creamy concealer and liquid or cream foundation.

  • Use glittery eye shadows and liquid eyeliners instead of matt eye shadows. Shiny look looks very beautiful.

  • Use lip gloss or sheer lipsticks as it hides the lines of dry lips and make it look beautiful and attractive.

  • You can also try shimmer if you want. It will help in enhancing your beauty.

  • Avoid  face powders.

  • After removing makeup always wash your face and massage your face with good quality night cream or moisturizer.

Thursday, 20 June 2013


Back pain is pain felt in the back that usually originates from the muscles , nerves , bones , joints or or other structures in the spine. Back pain may have a sudden onset or can be a chronic pain , it can be constant or intermittent, stay in one place or radiate to other areas. It may be a dull ache, or a sharp or piercing or burning sensation. The pain may radiate into the arms and  hands as well as the leg or feet , and may include symptoms other than pain. These symptoms may include tingling, weakness or numbness.

                      Cause Of Back Pain
  • Old age
  • Improper diet
  • poor posture
  • Back strain
  • Back muscle injury
  • lack of exercise/ No physical activities
  • Excess lifting of heavy objects
  • Wearing high heel shoes
  • Sleeping in a wrong posture
  • Pregnancy
  • Excess mental stress
  • Disc disorders
  • Chronic diseases 
  • Wrong way of exercising
Home Remedies to get relief from Back Pain

1- Apply a towel that has been squeezed after being soaked in hot salted water, on the back. Application of heat in this way will provide relief.

2- Heat a brick and cover it with a cloth , pace this covered brick on your back for sometime and you will feel relief after some time.

3- Take a frying pan , add 60 ml of coconut oil and then add 8-10 cloves of garlic .Fry this mixture till garlic turns dark brown, Apply this oil when lukewarm on the affected area .

4- Massage your back with garlic oil and eucalyptus oil to get relief from back pain.

5- Stretch every morning before getting out of bed, and repeat two more times throughout the day. Take the legs to the chest, one at a time, five times each. Then, bring the two together at the chest five times. You can do this stretch on the bed or floor if you feel better. You can also practice some exercises for back pain, you can find some good videos online, just search for "Back Pain Exercises".

6- Mix 1 tbsp glucose or honey in warm water and have it in the morning, empty stomach. It is a simple, yet effective way to get relief from back pain.

7- Mint oil also help in curing back pain . Message your back with mint oil to get relief from back pain.

                   HELPFUL TIPS
  • Deficiency of vitamin C makes one prone to backache. Therefore, increase the vitamin C intake in your diet.
  • Do not sit in the same position for several hours. Also, sit straight and do not stoop. A poor posture will only increase the problem of back pain.
  • If you are overweight, the first thing you should do is lose excess weight because then your back won't have to bear extra pressure.
  • Always do your workout in the gym under the guidance of an expert gym trainer.
  • Yoga also helps in getting relief from back pain.
  • Every time you lift something, remember to bend your knees first, this will prevent your lower back from getting tense causing damage to your spine and back muscles.
  • Take 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Drinking enough water daily is one of the most important steps to help lubricate articulations and help vertebrae disc recover its natural position.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Every girl wants to look more beautiful and every girl loves to wear make up but sometimes we choose wrong products which make us look so odd instead of beautiful. It is not always possible that if some type of product suits our friend or relatives then it also suits us. Everyone have different type of skin so it is very important to choose right product according to the skin type and it is also very important to follow the right tips for make up.
                                        Now we are discussing some make up tips according to different skin types which helps you to achieve a gorgeous look.
Oily skin  looks very sticky and greasy. It often leaves oil when we rub it with a tissue or hanky.


  • Before applying make up rub an ice cube on your face and leave it to dry.

  • Use a toner on your face to remove dirt and oil.

  • Always prefer oil-free and alcohol-free products.

  • Avoid shimmer and glossy look as it makes your skin look more oily. Prefer matt look and use matt lipsticks.

  • Use primer before using foundation and eye shadows.

  • Try to avoid glittery eye shadows.

  • Always use light texture concealer  and oil free foundation.

  • Use eyeliner pencils instead of liquid eyeliners.

  • You can also use good quality face powders.

  • After removing makeup always wash your face with good cleanser in order to remove 
extra oil and to avoid clogging of pores.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Best way to improve the Thickness of Hairs


  • Olive oil- Olive oil can also soften and strengthen your hair. Massaging the scalp for about half an hour with olive oil before going to bath is a good option to get thicker hair naturally. Finally you must rinse away the oil from your hair thoroughly by using a mild shampoo. For better result you can apply olive oil into your hair before going to bed and wash your hair next morning. Another option is to mix olive oil with some honey and then apply the mixture on your hair, leave for half an hour and finally wash your hair.

  • Coconut oil - Massaging your scalp regularly with pure coconut oil is one of the easiest ways to get thicker hair naturally. You can also heat the coconut oil and then use it on your scalp and massage for gently for 5-10 minutes to get better results.

  • Aloe vera - Using Aloe vera is another way for improving the thickness of hairs. Extract the gel from one or two aloe vera leaves and rub the gel onto the scalp and allow it to sit for half an hour and then wash your hair with lukewarm water. You can also drink Aloevera juice every day to improve the growth of your hairs. 

  • Eggs- You can also use eggs to improve the thickness of your hairs. Take 2 eggs and beat them properly. Now apply this egg on to your wet hair and allow it for sit for five to ten minutes. Finally wash your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo your hairs. Do this for 3 or 4 times in a week. You can also mix the yolk of eggs with any kind of hair oil . Use this mixture to massage your scalp thoroughly. Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy thicker hair.  

  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry)- Take one tablespoon of dried gooseberry and boil them in two tablespoon of coconut oil, strain the oil and use it to massage your scalp before going to bed. Shampoo your hairs next morning. Use can also powdered the dried gooseberry and mix it in water and leave it for overnight. Rinse your hair next morning with that water to get good results.

1- Do not comb hair when it is wet, this will reduce breakage of hair.

2- Always use a good quality comb or brush when combing your hair.

3- Massaging the scalp helps increase the blood flow and stimulate the follicles. 

4- Mix water and a spoonful of white vinegar and use this to add volume to your hair.

5- Take protein rich diet to improve the thickness of your hairs.

6- Drink plenty of water everyday to get thick and long hairs.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

                         Stretch marks
Stretch marks is  a form of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue. They are caused by tearing of the dermis, which over time may diminish  but will not disappear completely.

Stretch marks are often the result  of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding , hormone replacement therapy , etc.


1) Almond oil- Almond oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which are great for the skin, and applying it once or twice a day can do wonders for those unsightly marks.

2) Olive oil- Effective use of olive in the treatment of stretch marks includes rubbing warm olive oil on the affected areas and consuming an appropriate quantity for your diet. In addition to aiding discoloration, olive oil will help moisturize your skin, thereby keeping it smooth and healthy.

3) Aloe vera- Apply the aloe vera gel directly to the affected area every morning. Allow it soak into the skin until it completely dries. Although it won’t completely get rid of stretch marks, it will help a great deal.

4) Cocoa Butter- Cocoa butter is also very beneficial in treating stretch marks. You must apply cocoa butter over the affected area at least two times a day. After one to two months the ugly marks will be less visible. Another option is to make a mixture using half cup of cocoa butter, one tablespoon of wheat germ oil, two teaspoon of grated beeswax and one teaspoon each of apricot kernel oil and vitamin E oil. Heat this mixture for sometime so that the beeswax melts down. You can store this mixture in an airtight container in the refrigerator and apply to your stretch marks daily two to three times a day. This mixture will make your skin more hydrated and smooth.

5) Potato juice- The best and easiest way to get rid of ugly stretch marks is to use potato juice which contains vitamins and minerals which help a lot in the growth and restoration of the skin cells. Take a medium sized potato and cut it into thick slices. Now take one of the potato pieces and rub it gently on the skin with stretch marks for a few minutes. Make sure the liquid from the potato pieces get in touch with the skin. Allow the potato juice to dry for some time and later on clean the skin with lukewarm water.

6) Lemon juice- One of the simplest ways to deal with stretch marks is to use lemon juice. Lemon juice is naturally acidic which helps a lot to deal with stretch marks, skin injuries, acne, and other scars. Take fresh lemon juice and rub it gently onto the stretch marks using circular motions. Allow the lemon juice to soak into your skin for at least ten minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Once you started applying lemon juice on the stretch marks, the ugly scars will start fading away. Another option is to mix equal quantities of cucumber juice and lemon juice and then apply it on the stretch marks. This technique is also a good way to get rid of stretch marks.

7) Egg Whites- Eggs are a rich source of protein and it can be used to get rid of stretch marks. For stretch marks you must use the egg whites only that contain amino acids and proteins. Take the egg whites of two eggs whip it gently with the help of a fork. Now first clean the affected skin area with water and then apply a thick layer of egg whites with a makeup brush. Allow the egg whites to dry completely and then only rinse the area with cold water. Finally apply some olive oil on the skin to keep it well moisturized. Repeat the process daily for at least two weeks in order to get positive results.

8) Sugar- Natural white sugar is regarded as one of the best mediums for exfoliating your skin. Use this for at least 3-5 minutes on your skin every day. It is best if you practice this exfoliating routine while showering. Crush a couple of Vitamin C capsules as finely as you can and then apply them on your skin with the moisturizer of your choice. Apply this mixture on your stretch marks and other skin areas. Then dab a cotton ball or fresh cloth in olive oil and apply it on the stretch marks for better results.

9) Grapes- The extract from grapes protects and beautifies the skin because it is one of the best moisturizers. It hydrates and retrieves the effects of dry skin. We can extend the pulp on the skin as if it were a mask. Let stand for 20 to 30 minutes then rinse well with lukewarm water. Not only will this help eliminate the stretch marks, but it will also prevent the re-occurrence as well.

10) Carrot puree- Steam carrots until they become soft enough to mash and make a paste. Apply the paste onto the area where they are stretch marks and let it sit for as long as possible.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Top 10 Body Building Foods

Everybody wants a good looking and muscular Physique but only few gets it. Now you can also make a good physique without taking any expensive and inorganic supplements and steroids. Given below is a list of Top 10 Body building food . Add these food to your diet and get a muscular and good looking physique

1)  Eggs-  For a number of years, eggs had a bad reputation because of their high cholesterol content. But we now know that the cholesterol in eggs does not increase the cholesterol levels of those who eat them regularly. What’s more, a single egg contains 6-7 grams of protein . If you Want to build a good body then add 3-4 egg to your daily diet .

2) Cheese-  Cheese is an excellent source of protein, and tastes great too. Cheese also provide you other nutrients essential for body growth.

3) Nuts-  Nuts are the perfect blend of protein, fats, and fiber allowing you to get the extra calories you need without having them pad your waistline. Nuts are also extremely portable making them the perfect thing to snack on during the day if you need to increase your calorie intake. 

4) Oatmeal–  Oatmeal is a favorite because of its slow burning sustainable source of carbs. It provides you fiber essential for digestion and a bulk amount of energy . Oatmeal is a perfect diet for a person who wants to make a good and lean physique . 

5) Shakes-  Drinking a shake consisting of protein and carbohydrates before your workout sets the stage for optimal muscle growth and nutrient usage.  Banana shake is a perfect shake for bodybuilders . Studies shows that a Single Banana  gives you energy which is sufficient to workout for 2 hours . You can also add protein powder to you shake to build body quickly.

6) Whole Milk-  Whole milk has long been a standby weight-gaining food for bodybuilders. It has 8-9 grams each of protein and fat per cup. This is an especially good food for skinny guys that have trouble bulking up.

7)  Sweet Potato–  Slow-burning carbs such as sweet potatoes are an excellent source to fuel and sustain your muscles.  They are rich in carbohydrates and fats. 

8) Peanut Butter-  Peanut butter is one of the cheapest, easiest, and tastiest ways to up your caloric intake. You can eat it by itself, add it to a protein shake, or even put it in your oatmeal. Peanut butter is a rich source of protein.

9)  Beans-  Beans are also very  good source of vitamins and protein  and essential for one who want to gain weight. 

10) Fruits and veggies-  Fruits & Veggies: Enough said. Apples are good for giving you an energy boost in the morning.  Bananas are good for giving you an insulin spike after you exercise.  They aren’t very filling, but provide an excellent nutritional kick to any snack or meal during the day. Broccoli is god food for bodybuilders.  Try not to get too caught up into dips and dressings though, as they have negative impact on fat burning in your body.