Back pain is pain felt in the back that usually originates from the muscles , nerves , bones , joints or or other structures in the spine. Back pain may have a sudden onset or can be a chronic pain , it can be constant or intermittent, stay in one place or radiate to other areas. It may be a dull ache, or a sharp or piercing or burning sensation. The pain may radiate into the arms and hands as well as the leg or feet , and may include symptoms other than pain. These symptoms may include tingling, weakness or numbness.
Cause Of Back Pain
- Old age
- Improper diet
- poor posture
- Back strain
- Back muscle injury
- lack of exercise/ No physical activities
- Excess lifting of heavy objects
- Wearing high heel shoes
- Sleeping in a wrong posture
- Pregnancy
- Excess mental stress
- Disc disorders
- Chronic diseases
- Wrong way of exercising
1- Apply a towel that has been squeezed after being soaked in hot salted water, on the back. Application of heat in this way will provide relief.
2- Heat a brick and cover it with a cloth , pace this covered brick on your back for sometime and you will feel relief after some time.
3- Take a frying pan , add 60 ml of coconut oil and then add 8-10 cloves of garlic .Fry this mixture till garlic turns dark brown, Apply this oil when lukewarm on the affected area .
4- Massage your back with garlic oil and eucalyptus oil to get relief from back pain.
5- Stretch every morning before getting out of bed, and repeat two more times throughout the day. Take the legs to the chest, one at a time, five times each. Then, bring the two together at the chest five times. You can do this stretch on the bed or floor if you feel better. You can also practice some exercises for back pain, you can find some good videos online, just search for "Back Pain Exercises".
6- Mix 1 tbsp glucose or honey in warm water and have it in the morning, empty stomach. It is a simple, yet effective way to get relief from back pain.
7- Mint oil also help in curing back pain . Message your back with mint oil to get relief from back pain.
- Deficiency of vitamin C makes one prone to backache. Therefore, increase the vitamin C intake in your diet.
- Do not sit in the same position for several hours. Also, sit straight and do not stoop. A poor posture will only increase the problem of back pain.
- If you are overweight, the first thing you should do is lose excess weight because then your back won't have to bear extra pressure.
- Always do your workout in the gym under the guidance of an expert gym trainer.
- Yoga also helps in getting relief from back pain.
- Every time you lift something, remember to bend your knees first, this will prevent your lower back from getting tense causing damage to your spine and back muscles.
- Take 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Drinking enough water daily is one of the most important steps to help lubricate articulations and help vertebrae disc recover its natural position.
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