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Saturday, 29 June 2013


Eyes are one of the important parts of our body. Eyes are very delicate and sensitive. With the help of eyes we are able to see a beautiful world so it is very important to take care of eyes. Poor eyesight is a very common problem. It not affects the older ones but it is also very common in adults and children.

 Signs and symptoms of poor eye sight 
1) Itching of eyes.
2) Watering of eyes.
3) Headache.
4) Blurred vision.
5) Fatigue.
6) Feeling tired and stressful.

               CAUSES for poor eye sight 
  • Poor diet.
  •         Watching T.V or playing video games or working on computers for long hours.
  • Working or studying in a poor sight.
  • Direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Aging.
  • Sitting closer to the T.V and watching it.
  • Some kind of surgery.
  • Some kind of eye disease.

It contains carotene which is an antioxidant that helps in minimizing the risk of cataracts.

2) GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLESIt includes spinach, kale, lettuce etc. It helps in improving the eyesight. It contains two important things called lutein and zeaxanthin that are important for eyes.

3) BROCCOLIIt is a good source of vitamin C which helps in improving the vision.

4) VITAMIN E RICH FOOD-Almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts etc. are good sources of vitamin E. it helps in protecting the eyes from free radical damage.

5) ZINC RICH FOODIt includes oysters, lamb, beef, pumpkin seeds, beans, lentils. It helps in preventing and treating muscular degeneration.

1. Take 2sp amla powder with a lukewarm water empty stomach everyday as it contains vitamin C that helps in improving the eye sight.

2. Rotate your eyes up down and in opposite direction for 1-2 minutes twice a day. It helps in improving the vision.

3. Put 2-3 drops of rose water (gulab jal) in your eyes 2-3 times a day.

4. Grind few almonds, walnuts and fennel and make a powder of it. Now take 1sp of this mixture with a glass of milk every night before going to bed. Take it 2-3 times a week.

5. Take 2 carrots and 1 tomato and put it in a juicer to make a juice of it. Drink it every day. It helps in regaining your eye sight.

6. Put slices of cucumber over your eyes for 15-20 minutes. It helps in relieving your eyes from pain.

7. Take 2sp ghee, ½ sp licorice root powder and 1sp honey. Mix it in a lukewarm water and drink it.

8. Do asans(YOGA POSITIONS)  for improving your eyesight like rubbing your palms and cover your eyes with hands.

9. Take 1sp of trifala powder with a glass of milk. You can also add 1p honey to milk.

10. Take almonds, saunf and kaju mishri 150 gm each and ground it to make a powder of it. Take 1sp of this mixture with a glass of milk every night.

  • Avoid smoking.
  • Take a balanced diet.
  • Walk barefoot on a grass for 15 minutes every morning.
  • Do some asans or meditation regularly.
  • Wash your eyes with cold water 3-4 times a day.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes continuously as it may cause irritation.


Unknown said...

Cure Vision Naturally

Ways to Improve Eyesight

Eye Health said...

Great post! Been looking around for tips like this. Thanks for the info!

Sam Gibson said...

I've been meaning to change my diet, I had no idea that this could help improve my eyesight. I'm going to see an optician next week to get my eyes checked. I'll have to talk to him about eating more fruits and vegetables to improve my eyesight. http://www.crownopticians.com/en/

optix said...

eyes are an important part of your health. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best. Follow these simple steps for maintaining healthy eyes well into your golden years.

Anonymous said...

I really like your Blog. Thanks to Admin for Sharing this useful piece of Information. Addition to this here I am Contributing 1 more Similar Story Foods to improve Eyesight – Tips for Healthy Eyes.

Opticians near me said...

You’ve heard carrots are good for your eyes. But eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale or collard greens is important for keeping your eyes healthy too. Research has also shown there are eye health benefits from eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna and halibut.

bhuvankapoor said...

Lack of proper vision is a common health problem faced my most people in India. This lack of proper vision is particularly a problem faced by those suffering from Diabetes. Diabetes patients are more likely to suffer from eyesight and distorted vision problems owing to the negative impacts of Diabetes on eyes. While laser surgery and other methods like wearing spectacles and contact lenses can be very helpful too, there is another method of treatment that not a lot of people are aware about! It is acupuncture therapy yes you read it right, acupuncture treatment can be extremely helpful in improving the vision and many doctors recommend this type of treatment to patients. Acupuncture thus, is the best way to improve eyesight.

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